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بسم الله Ùˆ الØمدلله Ùˆ الصلاة Ùˆ السلام على رسول الله
السلام عليكم ورØمة الله وبركاته
Dear Parents,
Are you one of the parents who are expecting the best for the future of your child, but at the same time you are also:
worrying about your child's aqidah when they grow up
unhappy with their current akhlaq
expecting them to be a sholeh child that could unite he whole famility members in Jannah.
Imagine to have a child that by the time they graduate from Senior High School, in shaa Allah they transform themselves to be a great young muslim who make you proud of.
Your child in shaa Allah will:
Possess strong Aqidah and on the right Manhaj of ahlussunnah wal jamaah.
Have a great Akhlaq
Be strong Ibadah Performers
Memorize at least 10 Juz of Al Quran
Memorize and understand Hadist Arbain and some of the Ahadits from Kitab Bulughul Maram.
Understand and practice Shahih Fiqh
Understand the true history of Islam and Mankind
Have strong command in Arabic reading, writing, listening and speaking.
And yet, they are also:
Speaking Fluent English
Scoring highly in UNBK and or Cambridge IGCSE and AS/A Level
Skillful in IT Coding, Graphic Design or Video Editing
Possessing excellent Leadership and Entrepreneurship skills
Physically strong and healthy, including having basic survival skill such as swimming, martial art, and archery.
Inshaa Allah, FIWA Junior and senior High Islamic International Boarding School, Bogor, Indonesia, is the answer. Register your beloved son immediately at FIWA Islamic International Boarding School, together we will prepare the bright future for our children in the world and hereafter, insha'Allah.
والسلام عليكم ورØمة الله Ùˆ بركاته
FIWA Director
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